Quirinus Capital
Founded in 2009 as an independent M&A and capital markets advisory firm in Frankfurt, Quirinus Capital has consistently delivered outstanding results to its clients.
Quirinus Capital is an independent advisor and service provider in the fields of M&A as well as equity and debt financing and started initially with a sectoral focus on healthcare
- Pharma
- Med-tech
- Diagnostics
- Healthcare services
Since its inception Quirinus Capital has been able to successfully broaden the scope of sectors served as a result of its strengths in a number of key functional areas.
Scope of services:
- M&A Advisory
- Debt Advisory & Balance Sheet Restructuring
- Equity Advisory (IPO, Private Equity Funding, Capital Increases)
- Shareholder Relations Advisory
Quirinus Capital has been built on a foundation of integrity and quality, attention to detail as well as complete independence with its sole focus on the achievement of its clients’ goals and objectives.

Hans Meier-Scherling
Founder and Managing Director
Hans Meier-Scherling who has founded Quirinus Capital in 2009 has more than 25 years of investment-banking experience with Morgan Stanley, Rothschild and Credit Suisse and has completed more than 120 M&A transactions, 18 IPOs, 15 capital increases as well as convertible bond offerings, straight bonds, participation certificates, acquisition-related loan agreements and derivatives.
Hans Meier-Scherling has obtained an MBA from Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration as well as the degree of Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH) from Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz. He is a member of the Baden-Badener Unternehmergespräche (BBUG 117).
Mergers & Acquisitions
Quirinus Capital aspires to deliver the highest quality M&A advice and excellent execution. We differentiate ourselves through strategic and tactical knowledge, unrivalled commitment and loyalty to our clients as well as long-standing experience. This results in long-term client relationships.
- 31 M&A transactions completed since 2009
- Specialist for complex transactions, particularly with a focus on complex ownership situations and those with owner – managers
- Generalist (no particular transaction size, type or geography focus)
- More than 75% of M&A transactions with a cross border element
Debt Advisory and
Balance Sheet Restructuring
Quirinus Capital a leading Debt Advisory and Balance Sheet Restructuring advisor. We have restructured complex balance sheet situations involving various conflicting claimants and financial instruments. Quirinus Capital has acted as financial and capital markets expert in out-of-court settlements, arbitration cases as well as in court hearings, both for affected parties as well as an expert on behalf of the court.
We advise companies or corporations in situations of financial need or distress, firms facing liquidity or balance sheet issues or lenders and investors in situations such as:
- Out-of-court restructuring of capital structures or derivative instruments
- Debt advisory / financial restructuring
- Refinancing / opportunities for injection of new funds
- Creditor protection / insolvency proceedings
Equity Advisory
Quirinus Capital is a leading Equity Advisory firm for private and publicly-quoted companies seeking equity funding by means of a capital increase, the purchase and sale of existing shares as well as the implementation of management incentive programs. In particular, Quirinus Capital advises private companies on IPOs in terms of structure, pricing, type of consortium as well as any need for an intermediate funding through cross-over investors. Importantly, Quirinus Capital provides independent advice through the entire execution period.
- IPOs
- Capital increases
- Purchase and sale of existing shares
- Purchase and sale of preference shares and participation certificates
Shareholder Relations Advisory
Shareholder Relations involves the support for our clients in very diverse situations ranging from individual shareholders attempting to gain undesired influence or control or acting as defense advisor. Whilst these situations might be longer-term assignments, they often require a combination of sporadic and well-thought through advice in moments of significant urgency.
We also provide expert valuation services, including fairness opinions in connection with public tender offers (§27 WpÜG), or IPO advisory services.
Selected References
Strategic Investments
Quirinus Capital works with a small group of selected investors and as a result can act with greater independence compared with traditional investment funds. The advantage of this model results in quick decisions without lengthy processes, greater flexibility in transaction structuring and a significantly longer investment horizon.
Quirinus Capital can invest between € 2 and € 50 million in equity.
- SMEs or corporate spin-offs
- Established companies with good market position in a clearly defined niche
- Companies in growth markets
- Companies that drive industry consolidation
- Sales: € 10-200 million
- Equity investment: up to € 50 million at the time of the first acquisition
- Control or qualified minority
- Long-term development of medium-sized companies in order to benefit from market opportunities, to drive forward industry consolidation or to provide a strategic repositioning after a period of refocus
- Control participation or qualified minority participation
- Long-term investment horizon – no selling pressure
- Value increase through sustainable operational improvement of the investment
- Companies with successor or lack of management
- Complex corporate structures, “carve-out” situations
- Neglected corporate subsidiaries
- Companies with operational problems that can be solved
- Companies with overburdened balance sheets
- Long-term capital, also for strategic investments, further acquisitions and consolidation measures
- Entrepreneurially experienced group of partners and advisors
- Long-term assurance of corporate identity and independence
Do you have a degree in economics or law? Are you looking for a challenge in an entrepreneurial environment?
We are interested in your application. Please write to us.
Contact: karriere@quirinuscapital.de
Quirinus Capital GmbH
Opernplatz 10
D-60313 Frankfurt am Main
E: info@quirinuscapital.de
T: +49 69 2199 6655
M: +49 172 695 4105
F: +49 69 2199 6727